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Act Numbers Related to Ministry of Plantation Industries and Institutions coming under its purview

Rubber Development Department

Rubber Control Act
  • Rubber Control Act No.11 of 1956
  • Rubber Control (Amendment) Act No. 16 of 1957
  • Rubber Control (Amendment) Act No. 45 of 1957
  • Rubber Control (Amendment) Act No. 14 of 1961
  • Rubber Control (Amendment) Act No. 30 of 1966
  • Metric Units (Consequential provisions) (Amendment) Act No. 10 of 1983
Rubber Replanting Subsidy Act
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy Act No.36 of 1953
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 01 of 1955
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 54 of 1956
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No.5 of 1958
  • Tea and Rubber Subsidy (Amendment) Act No.66 of 1961
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 21 of 1964
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 31 of 1966
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 3 of 1967
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 4 of 1970
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 1977
  • Metric Units (Consequential provisions) ((Amendment) Act No. 10 of 1983
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 9 of 1998
  • Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 20 of 2006

Rubber Research Institute

Rubber Research Act
  • Rubber Research Act No. 27 of 1948
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 7 of 1950
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No.30 of 1951
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 50 of 1953
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 3 of 1955
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 8 of 1957
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 52 of 1957
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 2 of 1959
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 58 of 1961
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 35 of 1976
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 4 of 1979
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 10 of 1983
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 39 of 1987
  • Rubber Research (Amendment)  Act No. 28 of 2003

Thurusaviya Fund

Thurusaviya Fund Act
  • Thurusaviya Fund Act No.23 of 2000

Sri Lanka Tea Board

Tea Control Act
  • Tea Control Act No.51 of 1957
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.16 of 1959
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.26 of 1962
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.32 of 1966
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.39 of 1974
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.14 of 1975
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.3 of 1983
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.10 of 1983
  • Tea Control (Amendment) Act No.3 of 1993
Tea Board Act
  • Sri Lanka Tea Board Law No.14 of 1975
  • Sri Lanka Tea Board (Amendment) Act No.17 of 1985
  • Sri Lanka Tea Board (Amendment) Act No.44 of 1990
  • Sri Lanka Tea Board (Amendment) Act No.29 of 2003
  • Sri Lanka Tea Board (Amendment) Act No.44 of 2006
Tea (Tax and Control of Export) Act
  • Tea (Tax and Control of Export ) Act No. 16 of 1959
  • Tea (Tax and Control of Export ) (Amendment)  Act No. 4 of 1967
  • Tea (Tax and Control of Export ) (Amendment)  Act No. 14 of 1975
  • Tea (Tax and Control of Export ) (Amendment)  Act No. 10 of 1983
  • Tea (Tax and Control of Export ) (Amendment)  Act No. 51 of 1985
 Licensing of Produce Brokers Act
  • Licensing of Produce Brokers Act No. 9 of 1979
Tea Subsidy Act
  • Tea Subsidy Act No.12 of 1958
  • Tea Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 66 of 1961
  • Tea Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 33 of 1966
  • Tea Subsidy (Amendment) Act No. 4 of 1970
  • Tea Subsidy Repeal (Sec.29) Act No. 14 of 1975

Tea Research Institute

Tea Research Act
  • Tea Research Board Act No. 52 of 1993
  • Tea Research Board (Amendment) Act No. 30 of 2003
  • Tea Research Board (Amendment) Act No. 43 of 2006

Tea Shakthi Fund

Tea Shakthi Fund Act
  • Tea Shakthi Fund Act No.47 of 2000

Tea Small Holding Development Authority

Tea Small Holding Development Authority Act
  • Tea Small Holding Development Act No. 35 of 1975
  • Tea Small Holding Development (Amendment) Act No. 36 of 1991
  • Tea Small Holding Development (Amendment) Act No. 21 of 1997
  • Tea Small Holding Development (Amendment) Act No. 34of 2003
  • Tea Small Holding Development (Amendment) Act No. 42 of 2006

Coconut Cultivation Board

Coconut Development Act
  • Coconut Development Act No. 46 of  1971
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 24 of 1975
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 7 of 1986
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 8 of 1986
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 40 of 1987
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 40 of 2003
  • Coconut Development (Special Provisions) Act No. 45 of 1984

Coconut Development Authority

Coconut Development Act
  • Coconut Development Act No. 46 of 1971
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 24 of 1975
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 7 of 1986
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 8 of 1986
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 40 of 1987
  • Coconut Development (Amendment) Act No. 40 of 2003
  • Coconut Development (Special Provisions) Act No. 45 of 1984

Coconut Research Institute

Coconut Research Act
  • Coconut Research Act No. 31 of 1950
  • Coconut Research (Amendment) Act No. 31 of 1951
  • Coconut Research (Amendment) Act No. 22 of 1954
  • Coconut Research (Amendment) Act No. 8 of 1957
  • Coconut Research (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 1959
  • Coconut Research (Amendment) Act No. 53 of 1961
  • Coconut Fibre Act No. 17 of 1967
    • Coconut Fibre (Amendment) Act No.56 of 1971
    • Coconut Fibre (Amendment) Act No.45 of 1984
  • Coconut Products Ordinance Act No. 13 of 1935
  • Kapruka Fund Act No.31 of 2005

Sugarcane Research Institute

Sugarcane Research Institute Act
  • Sugarcane Research Institute Act No. 75 of 1981


National Institute of Plantation Management Act
  • National Institute of Plantation Management Act No.45 of 1979
  • National Institute of Plantation Management (Amendment) Act No.76 of 1981
  • National Institute of Plantation Management (Amendment) Act No.05 of 1987
  • National Institute of Plantation Management (Amendment) Act No.38 of 2003
  • Kalubovitiyana Tea Factory Limited Companies Act No.17 of 1982
Tea, Rubber & Coconut Estates (Control of Fragmentation) Board Act
  • Tea & Rubber Estate (Control of Fragmentation) Act No. 02 of 1958
  • Tea & Rubber Estate (Control of Fragmentation) (Amendment) Act No. 20 of 2005
  • Metric Units (Consequential provisions) (Amendment) Act No. 10 of 1983

Apart from above acts, Plantation Management Monitoring Division works with following acts.

1) Act No. 7 of 1979 – State Land Recovery of position act and following amendments.

  • State Land Recovery (Amendment) Act No. 58 of 1981
  • State Land Recovery (Amendment) Act No. 29 of 1983
  • State Land Recovery (Amendment) Act No. 50 of 1987
  • State Land Recovery (Amendment) Act No. 45 of 1992
  • State Land Recovery (Amendment) Act No. 29 of 1977

2) Companies Act No.07 of 2007

3) Conversion of Public Corporations or Government Owned Business undertaking into Public Companies Act No.23 of 1987

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